Monday, December 30, 2019

The Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad - 1293 Words

Harsh Kumar Ms. A-GAP Literature 15 March 2017 Senior Thesis #3 Adolescence is a transitional phase of psychological development where one begins to become more aware of themselves and their position in society. This transition is a vital one that changes one’s feelings, decision making, and attitude towards things that they might’ve viewed differently as an adolescent. In the Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad exposes the psychological change that Marlow goes through by coming to Congo for the development of his experience and self through his confrontation with Kurtz, encounter with European imperialism, as well as his newfound awareness of the unknown and unfamiliar.Marlow’s confrontation with Kurtz†¦show more content†¦Overstreet, â€Å"people do bad things because they have bad in them† (Overstreet 1). This contributes with Kurtz character as he has evil in him that leads to his malignant deeds. In the end, Kurtz falls ill and passes away with his last words being  "The Horror† (Conrad 43) which shows that despite his god-like characterization of himself fell short and that the overwhelming power of greed was too much for Kurtz and led to his demise. â€Å"Where there is no maturity of mind, there can be no vision†(Overstreet 2). This statement relates with Kurtz as he was not mature enough to realize the consequences of his actions and was in turn blinded by greed and a lust for power. Marlow and Kurtz’s relationship led to the psychological development of Marlow as the longer he got to know Kurtz the more he became aware of his true character and the evils associated with him and in this process he saw Kurtz in a completely divergent way due to the dialogue exchanged between Marlow and Kurtz throughout the novel. Another way Marlow develops psychologically is through his encounter and realization with the harsh realities of European imperialism through vivid imagery which leads to his juxtaposition of ideas regarding impe rialism. Marlow is shown as a strict imperialist in the beginning of the book when he compares the civilized European man with the savage African man. (Conrad 15). These two conflicting figures and ideas represent theShow MoreRelatedHeart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad1471 Words   |  6 PagesIn the story Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad a sailor decides to travel to Africa on a whim, using family connections he enlists as the captain of a ship travelling up the Congo River. The novella provides many themes, however is the text in itself racist? One of the main concepts portrayed in Heart of Darkness is the treatment of the natives of Africa and their image. This is most commonly shown through the disparity of the image between what is said in the novel and what can be read throughRead MoreHeart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad Essay1371 Words   |  6 Pagesevery human and everything created by humans has two sides to it: the form and the substance. Joseph Conrad’s novella â€Å"Heart of Darkness† shows precisely how dangerous it is to put our trust in a concept, for example: colonization, without realizing that most of the time one only gets to see the form and not the substance. In this essay, my purpose is to demonstrate that â€Å"Heart of Darkness† by Joseph Conrad is mainly a novella about the discrepancy between substance and form. In order to prove my pointRead MoreHeart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad1378 Words   |  6 PagesWoytassek AP English 12 Heart of Darkness Reading Log Author: Joseph Conrad Title: Heart of Darkness Original Publication Date: 1899 Kind of Writing: Heart of Darkness is a colonial novella of an expository narrative. Writer’s Purpose and Intended Audience Joseph Conrad wrote Heart of Darkness because he wanted to expose human temptation to experiment with darkness when one’s own desires overcome one’s morals. By writing from his own experience of exploring the Congo, Conrad draws conclusions thatRead MoreThe Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad983 Words   |  4 PagesThe Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is a story that takes place in the early 1890s and presents us with an odyssey of a traveler known as Marlow who confronts the dangers of the Congo jungle while also witnessing the wicked, inhumane treatment of the African natives. In the story, Marlow represents Joseph Conrad who had actually traveled up the Congo in 1890 and witnessed the European exploitation of the African natives firsthand. In the Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad exposes the inhumanityRead MoreHeart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad1350 Words   |  6 Pagesyears, Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad was a treasured classic, with many honourable themes and messages, as the author reveals the true nature of humanity by following an European sailor’s journey through the dark jungles of Africa and down the river Congo, all while watching as his own humanity changes. As society has evolved, however, Heart of Darkness has come under scrutiny, as the language is quite racist. Chinua Achebe, writer of An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of DarknessRead MoreHeart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad1329 Words   |  5 Pages Heart of Darkness is a novel written by Joseph Conrad. The setting of the book is in Belgian Congo, which was the most infamous European colony in Africa. This is a story about the protagonist Marlow’s journey to self discovery, and his experiences in Congo. Conrad’s story explores the colonialism period in Africa to demonstrate Marlow’s struggles. Along the way, he faces insanity, death, his fear of failure, and cultural contamination as he makes his was to the inner station. Conrad through theRead MoreThe Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad968 Words   |  4 PagesJoseph Conrad’s novella The Heart of Darkness has been under controversy because of racial interpretations. The race factor in this novel has made some scholars and professors question the function the novella has in the classroom. However, Joseph Conrad had another view when writing the novel; to demonstrate how prejudice and dehumanizing the European culture is towards African Americans and their culture during this time period. European’s superior authority over African Americans is portrayedRead MoreHeart Of Darkness, By Joseph Conrad1306 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is the â€Å"horror† in Heart of Darkness, and what particular literary images develop that idea of horror in the novel? In Joseph Conrad’s, Heart of Darkness, there can be many literary images found within that develop the idea of horror. Heart of Darkness is noted for its horror within the Congo between the Africans and the Europeans. The horror in Heart of Darkness is a contribution of many ideas that are formed and contributed from the European colonists. The purpose of this essay aims to argueRead MoreHeart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad1076 Words   |  5 PagesWritten in the late 1800’s, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is a novella about one man’s travel into the Congo Free State by way of the Congo River. The title â€Å"Heart of Darkness† actually holds two different meanings. Heart of Darkness is both a metaphor for a psychological â€Å"dark side† of man, and an allusion to Africa. The title suggests both a physical and mental reference. During the time the novel takes place, Africa was nick-named the dark continent because of how little the Europeans knewRead MoreHeart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad Essay1483 Words   |  6 PagesJoseph Conrad, author of Heart of Darkness, intriguingly uses an unnamed narrator in his novel that clearly becomes of importance right away in the introduction. Conrad’s narrator chooses to speak of the historical period in which Roman colonization took over what we now know as Great Britain. By connecting a Roman colonization story to one almost 2000 years later talking about the Belgians in Africa, Conrad reveals one of his own themes in the novel. He proposes that the Romans and Belgians

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) - 1326 Words

Abstract Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD) is a medical condition which depends on both the individual psychological and biologic characteristics of a person who has experienced a traumatizing and possibly life-threatening situation. It occurs as a response to extreme conditions in which the patient’s life was in danger, or those around them had been seriously injured or killed under particularly violent circumstances. Sometimes PTSD develops among people who simply learned of a disastrous occurrence in which their loved ones were involved. It is a condition which may be taken for other stress-induced disorders or depression within the first month, possibly resulting in a false diagnosis, especially when confused with acute stress†¦show more content†¦A patient with PTSD will most likely not consult the aid of mental health professionals. Taking this into account, a primary care physician must have the necessary knowledge of the symptoms and treatment of PTSD. Mental he alth specialists are only to be involved if the treatment remains ineffective for a prolonged period of time, in which case the continued prescription of drugs may have a negative impact on the patient’s physical health. In order to properly diagnose PTSD, the physician must carefully and considerately question the client to find out about any traumatic events they were involved in. A calm and unobtrusive approach is necessary as the subject may be unwilling to describe the circumstances that lead them to develop an anxiety disorder. When a doctor has decided the patient should be treated specifically for PTSD, they observe symptoms such as nightmares depicting the event, flashbacks, which make the patient feel as if the event was taking place again and panic when the subject is brought up in conversation. In addition, an avoidance of the experience often occurs in the form of seemingly forgetting the day of the incident, a detachment from other people, despondency, and loss of interest in all activities. The last group of symptoms for PTSD constitutes increased arousal: the client becomes more easily startled, is quicker to be irritated, and exhibits insomnia or other sleep disorders. These three

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Argo and Casablanca †Main Characters Comparison Free Essays

Both Tony and Rick are faced with a dilemma throughout Argo and Casablanca, respectively. They catch themselves getting more and more involved with the escape plan, and then their emotional connection leads to altruistic actions. Both Argo and Casablanca have a scene that underscores these characters transitions. We will write a custom essay sample on Argo and Casablanca – Main Characters Comparison or any similar topic only for you Order Now On the first movie Mendez, have a heated up conversation with his boss on the phone, while on the other movie, Blaine points a gun at an official. Up to this part, the characters were very cold, and professional, however, after it they become attached to the people that are being saved. On one side, the scene selected in Argo focuses on: camera proximity and movement, decor and framing. On the other side, the scene selected in Casablanca focuses on: soundtrack, camera movement and positioning, and on and off screen space. The camera proximity and camera movement in Argo, emphasizes the characters reactions, by always showing the character with the strongest reaction. It is noticeable that the camera zooms in Tony as soon as he is alone in the room, and is kept that close to him until the end; his supervisor only has one close-up shot, while the camera spins around him, it is when he is explaining the new changes in CIA’s operation, and for the rest of the scene, the camera captures Jack O’Donnell through medium/close-up shots, finishing with a medium shot of him breaking a cup on his table. The camera is handheld on Mendez’ shots, creating a more personal, and emotional perception of the character, while the zoom highlights his reactions and creates tension to the scene as whole. The steady shots of Jack are calmer, and more impersonal, making him look more professional, and less emotive. The framing plays an important role on this sequence. Both Tony and Jack are placed on the right side of the screen at first, with Tony changing sides on the frame only when he states that he and his boss are responsible for the people they are trying to save. The right side of the screen is reserved for when the characters are more impersonal and professional, while the left side of the screen is used only when Tony explicitly becomes emotionally attached. Decor and lighting differentiate the perception of each space used on the scene. In the house located in Iran, the lighting is darker because the scene is slightly underexposed, which helps create a low-key effect, while warm colors dominate the location. This assists on the creation of a more intimate environment, just like a house should be. On the other side of the world, in CIA’s headquarters, O’Donnell’s office receives natural lighting from its window, which illuminates a blue wall as well as a typewriter of the same color, making this space look like a professional location, analogous to a typical workplace. In Casablanca, the camera positioning and movement play an important part too. However, the positions and movement are broader, ranging from long shots to close-ups and from static positioning to panning around the location; different angles are used as well. Long shots in addition to panning introduce the area that will be used throughout the scene, which are the Cafe’s bar, and its entrance, that is seen from both the inside and outside. Another panning, more noticeable than the others, is the one that shows Renault spying on the other characters from Rick’s office; the camera pans in a diagonal fashion from the upper right, where the officer is hidden, to the lower left, the spot where the three other character are and also the place where the rest of the sequence takes place. Racking focus is used when Major Strasser’s subordinate opens his office’s door; the focus quickly changes between the man and his superior. A low angle is used when the official says that Laszlo is under arrest, which aggrandizes the captain. In this scene, mood and tension is accomplished mainly by soundtrack and sound effects instead of dialogue, in comparison to Argo’s selected scene, which does exactly the opposite. At first, when Rick is talking to Ilsa, the song â€Å"As Time Goes By† plays on the background as a motif, creating intimacy between them, and as Victor joins them, the song transforms for a brief moment, suddenly disappearing when Renault, in the same shot as aforementioned in the last paragraph, surprises the Resistance hero, thus producing tension. To increase tension even further, a sound effect is used when Rick points his gun at Louis, and his voice is heard off-screen, until the camera tilts towards his face. The soundtrack is back before long, and its purpose now is to underscore tension as Renault makes the phone call. In terms of formal elements, Casablanca’s selected sequence relates more to the rest of the movie than does Argo’s, because only the editing and mise-en-scene aspects are kept the same through the picture, the sound and cinematography are an exception to the rule. Casablanca brands its mise-en-scene and cinematography with relatively spacious locations, and the camera helps to manifest it by using wide angled lens on top of long-shots. Lighting is often the standard three-point scheme, and it kept fixed on most reaction shots. Men are always formally dressed, while Ilsa changes between three different outfits and the cinematography is widely characterized by the use of straight-on angles, to maintain neutrality towards characters, with the exception of a few low shots, which raises some characters’ power. Long shots are predominant on the beginning of scenes, and medium shots, showing two or more people in a group, soon substitute it; close-ups are used mostly for reaction shots. Camera movement includes everything, but handheld and aerial shots. Wide-angle lenses are the favorite in this motion picture. The editing and sounds, follows Hollywood’s standards, always consist of an establishing shot on the beginning of each new scene, introduced by a dissolve from the previous scene’s last shot, and a shot/reverse shot when characters are talking. Usually the rhythm happens on a medium speed. The diegetic sounds prevails, and are easily noticed, they include: most of the music heard on Rick’s Cafe, background noises and sound effects of all sorts, and dialogues. The start of both Argo and Casablanca are almost the same, a narration in addition to various dissolves, introduces rapidly where the films will take place and also a point on history, the only difference is that Casablanca uses a globe, while Argo utilizes the sketches of the fake movie. In Argo, only the editing and mise-en-scene relates to the chosen sequence and the rest of the movie. The main locations are six: Los Angeles, the Central Intelligence Agency’s headquarters, the Iranian house, Iran’s streets, the airport/airplane, and the US embassy on the opening of the movie; and each of them has its own rhythm and amounts of tension, with the ones located in United States having the longest takes with less direct tension and the ones in Iran’s outdoors being the most tense ones and with the shortest takes. The connection between the countries is made with the repetitive use of cross cutting on some sequences. Continuity practically does not exist on the chosen sequence, but does on the rest of the motion picture. Most of the lighting is supposed to be natural. The costumes are typical of each character’s home country. The editing strongly relates to Casablanca by using Hollywood’s standards, like dissolve between scenes, shot/reverse shot during conversations. Cinematography is very different among scenes, and uses all of the possibilities. The scene selected is the only one with a handheld camera with shots focusing on only one character; the other uses for this technique always include groups of people. Aerial shots are also included throughout the movie, in contrast with Casablanca that has none. The camera is always on the eye-level of the shortest character being shown. Close-ups are equally used to show reactions and details, with more camera movement on the last. Sound use is somewhat more complex in Argo, with many off-screen and voice over sounds, like when a conversation is held over the phone or background noises for instance. However, for all the other sections Casablanca and Argo are very similar. Tony and Rick are exclusively professional characters, both of them possess a high social position, and are financially stable, they also enjoy desired political positions among their peers, and neither display signs of emotional attachment to others, until the selected scene on each movie. After it, both characters start to be perceived as warmer people, who are still able to be, in their own ways, part of intimate relationships. As the pictures get closer to their ends, Mendez and Blaine are not seen exclusively as professionals anymore, but as more altruistic persons, the CIA’s agent also boosts his social, and political, position by receiving an award, while the Cafe’s owner earns respect from the couple and the corrupt official. In the end, it is easily acknowledged that both movies are more similar than different, with a special call for their plot, beginning, development of main character, and major formal elements. The differences, if evaluated properly, are almost none, and are all hidden among small details. Coincidentally or not, Michael Curtiz has a quote that applies appropriately to both Tony and Rick when they become emotionally attached to the hostages and the couple, respectively; the quote is â€Å"The only things you regret are the things you don’t do. † How to cite Argo and Casablanca – Main Characters Comparison, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Exotic Pets Pros and Cons free essay sample

The panic and terror experienced by the monkeys, bears, lions and leopards that ran loose in Ohio earlier this week as they were chased and then killed by the police. Imagine the heartbreak of the police officers who were obliged to destroy the rambling menagerie. Officers are not trained to stalk big game and bring them in alive with tranquilizer darts. Related News Police Kill Dozens of Animals Freed on Ohio Reserve (October 20, 2011) Why was there no law regulating the animal collection of Terry Thompson, who freed his animals and then apparently killed himself? I’ve spent the last few years prowling America in search of people who share their lives with great apes, big cats and long snakes. Mr. Thompson is not unique. Monkeys seem particularly ubiquitous; a cursory online search can connect you with a purveyor. Exotic animal auctions are crowded with buyers, and the Captive Wild Animal Protection Coalition — which opposes the practice — estimates the number of exotic fanciers in the millions. We will write a custom essay sample on Exotic Pets Pros and Cons or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Owners who bond with their pets as cubs or kittens, bottle-feed and cuddle them, often convince themselves that their relationship is special and their full-grown bear or cat will never turn on them. Yet it’s not just about cuteness and beauty; controlling an animal that arouses fear in other people can be appealing. That’s why those with egos that need feeding, from Kublai Khan to William Randolph Hearst to Mexican drug traffickers, are connected by the desire to stock their personal zoos. Most apes, cats, bears and other animals change when they reach adolescence. They become stronger, more aggressive and less predictable. But is their potential to cause trouble enough reason to regulate or prohibit keeping them as household pets? If we allow ourselves to keep dogs (which can be out of control and vicious), why not other animals like chimpanzees, even if they also might exhibit violent behavior? Champions of exotic pet ownership insist that their rights to enjoy the animals outweigh the risks. â€Å"This was not an animal getting out because of a failed cage,† Zuzana Kukol, an exotic-animal owner, told me when I checked in with her after the Ohio massacre. â€Å"The cage was fine. This was a deliberate act of terror. † I visited her and her partner, Scott Shoemaker, on their Nevada desert spread, far removed from their neighbors and home to Bam-Bam, their 500-plus pound lion, and an assortment of other cats. The two lobby against laws restricting animal ownership. Their isolated compound seems a rare example: well fenced, with animals rescued or bred in captivity, apparently healthy. It’s hard to imagine a better alternative for Bam-Bam and their other animals. Yet this week’s events in Ohio and other tragic cases prove that exotic animals present challenges. Nationwide, the laws on keeping wildlife as pets are a confusing patchwork. Enforcement of those that exist is haphazard, and penalties for violations are rarely severe. â€Å"Exotic† is a fluid term for pets, but we ought to be able to agree on a list of animals that historically do not cohabitate with humans and pose such a threat that they must be caged. Then it’s an easy step to come up with federal laws to protect the animals and their neighbors. It’s past time to regulate the wild beasts: us. Peter Laufer, a professor of journalism at the University of Oregon, is the author of the trilogy â€Å"The Dangerous World of Butterflies,† â€Å"Forbidden Creatures† and â€Å"No Animals Were Harmed. †

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Accounting Solutions Essay Example

Accounting Solutions Paper An analyst may perhaps or not observe that this probable indicates that Intel is an enormous power customer and therefore if an analyst considers that power prices will raise, it will affect Intel. C. What type of audit opinion was given for the financial statements and the internal financial controls Of Intel? Explain the key items discussed in the audit reports. The audit opinion avgas clean meaning no exceptions. That is, the financial reports are equally itemized in accordance With GAP and the systems f controls surrounding the financial reporting are working as designed. . Read the management Discussion and analysis MDA). Discuss whether the items that should be addressed in the MDA are included. Support your answer with examples from the Intel MDA Yes, the MDA has the main parts needed. The MDA comprises a synopsis of the financial results, dialogue about strategy, critical accounting estimates, investments, taxes, inventory, accounting changes, results of operations by segment and margins, and restructuring charges. The concussion contains the business outlook, the use of fair values, but I didnt discover the section on business risk. Id not locate it after checking to see it. E. After reading the MD, discuss the future prospects of Intel. Dowdy have any concern? If so, describe those concerns. The projections look very decent. We will write a custom essay sample on Accounting Solutions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Accounting Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Accounting Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They have firm outcomes and a strategy that makes clear logic given the market. The thing dont know about and would be concerned about is the competition, My biggest concern is; what if Microsoft wants to make devices? Intel is equally reliant on computer creators currently. External dangers are not deliberated that much because Intel cannot control it or recognize too much about it. The discussion is more about internal actions and back-ward looking financial outcomes. Case 2. 1 Intel Case www. Praiseworthiness. Com/Fraser. Using the annual report, answer the following questions: Prepare a common-size balance sheet for Intel for all years presented. A. Describe the types of assets Intel owns. Which assets are the most significant to the company? Using the notes to the financial statements, discuss the accounting methods used to value assets. What other information can be learned about the asset accounts from the notes? Have there been significant changes to the asset structure from 2009 to 2010? They possess cash, investments, receivables, inventory, long-lived assets and goodwill. Approximately a third to the assets are property, plant and equipment (PEP). The PEP is depreciated using straight line method over 2 to 4 years for machinery and equipment and 4 to 40 years tort buildings. They get the most out to interest in long-lived assets they build themselves. Per footnote within the chapter, many of the short ND long-term investments are valued at their fair values. There is wide data about valuations and whether the revaluations are recurring or nonrecurring, There have not been broad changes in benefit structure. The only immense modification is in short term investments (please see excel spreadsheet). B. Analyze the accounts receivable and allowance accounts, c. Describe the types of liabilities Intel has incurred. Which liabilities are the most significant to the company? Have there been significant changes to the liability and equity structure from 2009 to 2010? The most substantial debt is vendor accruals (AP and accrued items) and long term debt. There has not been a key change from 2009 to 2010 (please see excel spreadsheet). Equity is greater since they distributed some common stock and had earnings (increased RE). D. Describe the commitments and contingencies of Intel. Please note 29 on contingencies describe a number of legal proceedings for which the outcome is uncertain, e, under which classification(s) are deferred taxes listed? What item is the most significant component of deferred taxes? As mentioned in Note B, deferred taxes are list below present assets, encounter assets, and nonoccurrence liabilities. Share-based compensation is the biggest component of deferred taxes. F, What equity accounts are included on the balance sheet of Intel? Preferred stock, common stock, other comprehensive income and retained earnings. 2. I g, prom the following accounts, prepare a balance sheet for Chester Co. For the current calendar year. Chester Co. Balance Sheet at December 31, 2013 Assets Current Assets Cash $1,500 Accounts receivable 6,200 Inventory 12400 prepaid expenses Total Current Assets $20,800 Property, plant and equipment 34,000

Monday, November 25, 2019

Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks Vitamin Enhanced Beverages †Alternative Beverage Industry

Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks Vitamin Enhanced Beverages – Alternative Beverage Industry Background material The soft drink industry has been dominated by some major companies like the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo. Prior to the 21st century, these companies concentrated in the processing of carbonated drinks. The drinks had an exceptionally high demand and companies that processed such drinks flourished by making enormous sales.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks Vitamin Enhanced Beverages – Alternative Beverage Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, as consumers have been informed on the dangers or health risks associated with the consumption of carbonated drinks, they have shifted their attentions to other drinks. As the demand for soft drinks continued to rise, dominant companies took advantage of this and hiked the prices. All these contributed to a shift in consumption of the drinks as consumers sought for alternative drinks. Therefore, a lternative drinks came not only as an option, but also as a change in strategy for beverage companies to address the needs of customers (Gamble, 2012). From the year 2000, the alternative beverage market has been extremely active with many companies coming into the alternative beverage industry. However, the international market for alternative beverages was immensely affected by the economic recession of 2008 – 2009. The United States, which is the main market for the alternative drinks, recorded a significant drop in the sale of alternative beverages and drinks. There was a 12.3 per cent drop in the sale of sports drinks between 2008 and 2009. During the same period, vitamin-enhanced waters recorded a 12.5 percent decline in sales. It is only the energy drinks which recorded a rise in sales during the recession period. The sales rose by 0.2 per cent (Gamble, 2012). Beverage producing companies capitalized fully on the demand growth by extending their products. Many companie s have been developing new products, as well as diversifying their existing products so as to capture a bigger share of the market. Beverage companies sought to further extend and venture into the manufacture and processing of relaxation drinks to address the needs of the depressed people. Therefore, the alternative beverage industry has been marked with high scale competition. There exist too many alternative beverages and drinks in the market now (Katz, 2010).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The major strategy of the beverage companies has been to diversify and make enormous extension of their brands in the market. Increased competition has resulted in unhealthy or unethical business practices within the alternative beverage and drinks industry. Market capture and expansion has been the main objective of the beverage companies. They do not pay much attention to t he aspects of sustainability in the market. A number of companies have been receiving criticism owing to the effects of their products to the health of consumers. Some products like the beverages with high caffeine content were critiqued for promoting unhealthy consumption patterns. Companies do not let the consumers know the patterns of consuming these beverages and drinks. Some companies do not expose the contents and the side effects of these contents to the consumers. Physicians have been warning consumers of the dangers associated with some of the ingredients in these drinks like kava and melatonin (Gamble, 2012). The global beverage industry is still projected to grow as the beverage companies are sprouting and finding new markets across the globe. Therefore, better strategies have to be adopted by the companies in the beverage industry. This will assure that these companies achieve market sustainability (Gamble, 2012). Strategy identification in the alternative beverage indus try For a company to beat the competition in the market, it must first understand and pursue a strategy. The company must understand the industry in which it is competing as this is the main source of competition. Also, a company has to know all the rules that are governing competition within the industry. Notably, there have been many players in the beverage industry. Each of the major companies in the industry has its own way of enhancing its competitive advantage. However, since these companies are operating in the same industry, they tend to use almost similar strategies with only slight differences (Gamble, 2012). There are different approaches or strategies to competition. The five main generic strategies to competition are focused low-cost strategy, focused broad differentiation strategy, a market niche strategy based on low cost. Others are a focused market strategy that is based on differentiation and a best-cost provider strategy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks Vitamin Enhanced Beverages – Alternative Beverage Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some companies do apply a mix of these strategies. It is advisable for companies to choose and pursue a single strategy. The pursuance of one policy helps in easing the positioning of a company. This helps in eliminating the complexities that may arise from integrating the varied strategies (Katz, 2010). Major firms in the alternative beverage industry have been applying most of these strategies in order to enhance their performance in the market (Gamble, 2012). The Coca-Cola Company stands out as one of the oldest company in the soft drink industry. Also, the company is ranked as one of the best performing companies in the industry. In the year 2009, the company was the best manufacturer and distributor of soft drinks within the global market. Coca-Cola has a very wide market with di fferent brands. Brand extension is the major strategy of competition for the company. It has the widest distribution network with its plants located in over 200 countries globally. The Coca-Cola brand has been very helpful to the company. It positioned the company in the wider market enabling it to enter alternative beverages into the market effectively. With its new and high quality brands of alternative drinks, Coca-Cola has continued to maintain a competitive position (Gamble, 2012). Similar to Coca-Cola, PepsiCo has a number of popular products like Pepsi. The company has employed several competitive strategies to survive in the competitive alternative beverage and drink industry. One of the key competitive strategies has been brand-extension and brand-diversification. PepsiCo has established itself in the market as a company that has quality products. The company is creative and has been coming up with different products that are filing the market and making it a strong player (Shankar Carpenter, 2012). As one of the biggest beverage companies, PepsiCo noted this demand and ventured into processing the different brands. Some of its products were rated the best in the industry in the year 2010. There are various advantages associated with broad brand distribution. However, what stands out is that this form of distribution provides a wide range of options for customers. The company has further expanded these brands into different flavors. Brand differentiation and extension has been the leading force behind the organizations performance in a competitive industry (Katz, 2010). Hansen Natural Corporation has ben dealing in the manufacture of alternative beverages for a long time. The company sales have been growing in the recent years. This growth is equated to the launch of several other beverages by the company from the beginning of the year 2002. The company has adopted an aggressive differentiation strategy.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Apart from coming up with many brands of products and taking them to market, the company also uses price as a means of differentiating its products in the market. In the year 2002, the company decided to lower the prices of its products with the price of Red Bull products. In-store promotions have also been extensively used by the company in familiarizing its products to customers. The company uses creative promotional strategies. They promote their products in the events that they sponsor for instance sporting events and art and music concerts (Gamble, 2012). Red Bull GmbH has been one of the leading companies in the processing of soft drinks in the beverage industry. The company concentrated in the manufacture of beverage drinks since its inception. This explains why the company is a strong force in the industry. Whereas other companies have diversified and produces products in different categories within the industry, Red Bull has concentrated in one lane of products. The concent ration in these products has made the company a master in such products. However, all other companies in the industry have been diversifying their products and even becoming good producers of sports drinks. This competitive strategy is not very favorable in an industry which has many players. Dependence on a single product is highly risky for a company. The company is bound to flop in the event other companies develop stronger substitutes (Trigg, Himmelweit Simonetti, 2002). The alternative beverage industry has been marked with competition. Companies in the industry are using almost similar strategies of competition. With products in the industry being close substitutes, broad differentiation strategies are the main focus of the companies. Most of the main firms in the industry are coming up with more products so as to fill and dominate the market. In this aspect of differentiation, quality is also playing out as an important element of differentiation. Some companies are earning fame in the industry because of the quality of their substitute products (Thompson, Gamble Strickland, 2006). Analysis of performance of the broad differentiation strategy by major firms in the alternative beverage industry Just like many other strategies, differentiation strategies are aimed at maximizing profits in companies. It enables firms to raise the unit of sales, gain the loyalty from their customers, and commanding a premium price for company products. When this has been achieved, the company gains competitive advantage over its competitors in the market (Shankar Carpenter, 2012). PepsiCo gained access into the alternative beverage market by virtue of having dealt in the soft drink industry for a long time. The broad brand differentiation strategy has been argued to be the main reason why the company has been ranked first in the alternative beverage industry globally (Thompson, Gamble Strickland, 2006). PepsiCo has been remarkably innovative knowing the amount of effort s that are being employed by its competitors like Coca-Cola and Red Bull. The company formed vast distribution systems for its carbonated soft drinks like Pepsi-Colas. As it introduced its new brands of the alternative beverages, it ensured that the new brands were found where in the distribution centers for its famous brands. Therefore, as people purchased these products, they came across the new products. PepsiCo has over one hundred sub–brands of brands in the market that have been developed from the main brands. The first aspect of differentiation in the company was the venturing into the production of alternative beverage drinks. At one point, PepsiCo has managed to come up with over 12 different flavors of products from a single product. There are different methods or approaches of differentiating products in a competitive market (Gamble, 2012). Differentiation can focus on either the main products or even on other aspects of product marketing like pricing and other mar keting approaches (Keller, 1998). PepsiCo has concentrated much on diversifying its alternative beverage drinks. This forms the core of its differentiation strategy. The company has many alternative beverage drinks in the market. This means that the company attests to the differing tests of customers. This also aids the company to have a wider market relative to its competitors, and thus a competitive advantage to PepsiCo. A company can choose to pursue brand differentiation in multiple ways. This gives the company a stronger platform on which to compete with its competitors. However, it is suitable for a company to identify its strong pointer in differentiation as this will serve the company best when competitive pressures mount (Kotler Pförtsch, 2006). Differentiation is an extremely broad strategy. For a company to realize the benefits of differentiation strategy, it has to incorporate differentiation activities in its supply chain. A strong and differentiated supply chain e nsures that products reach customers in time and required qualities and quantities (Thompson, Gamble Strickland, 2006). PepsiCo has done well in sustaining its supply chain by enhancing its distribution channels and points. Its products are easily found in the market. This boosts the sale of the products. Research and development have also helped the company in its initiatives of brand diversity. With a significant number of products in the market, the company has to shift its attention to active marketing practices like advertising and promotional activities. There are many products from the company that are not yet known by many potential customers. The brands that have been developed in the recent years need to be made known to the potential customers of the company (Gamble, 2012). Recommendations for future decisions for a new company in the industry Companies that are aiming to venture into this industry have to be extremely creative. Nonetheless, with many customers, this ind ustry is highly saturated with master companies. The first thing for a new company will be to assess the industry in terms of the main companies operating in the industry and strategies that they use. The attractiveness of a firm in any industry is the attractiveness of the industry. Industry attractiveness is determined by the profits that are being made by the firms in the industry (Porter, 1998). The new firm must also be familiar with the rules that govern competition in the industry. According to Porter (1998), the rules are to be found in the five forces of competition. These are competition for new entrants, threat of substitutes, the buyers and their bargaining power, the bargaining power of suppliers and rivalry in the industry. The most compelling force in the beverage industry is the issue of the threat posed by substitute products and rivalry among the firms. When a company chooses to pursue a certain competitive strategy, it does not imply that the company should work w ith the strategy in an isolated manner. Strategies do not work in isolation just as it is in the business. Other strategies have to be incorporated within the main competitive strategy to make it work efficiently. Each strategy has its advantages, as well as disadvantages to the company. Therefore, the company must ensure that it maximizes on the strengths of a strategy. Capitalization on the strengths of a strategy helps in eliminating the negative effects of a strategy. The broad brand differentiation strategies have been applied in greater heights. Ii is more risky for a new firm to concentrate on a single strategy in a market that has highly volatile activities (Thompson, Gamble Strickland, 2006). The company has to monitor the different companies and capitalize on the aspects of weakness in the competitors. As a company develops products in the market, it has to monitor competition both from within and without the organization. The company must fully understand its competitors so that it can choose the best strategies to out-compete them. As a market leader, a company is always prone to scrutiny from other firms (Yoffie Kwak, 2001). The adoption of blue ocean market strategy could also be favorable to the new company. The beverage industry is marked by similar products with only slight differences in flavor. This can be effectively applied in marketing by choosing inventive strategies, which will help the company set itself above the other companies. The strategy chosen by the company has to be integrative basing on the assessment done to the strategies of the other companies already in the industry (Kim Mauborgne, 2005). The new entrant has to adopt defensive strategies as it enters the market in the first time. Open competitive strategies will then be applied when the company has attained a significant market share. This is because the activities of the company can be influenced be put to jeopardy by the actions of the smaller (Thompson, Gamble Stri ckland, 2006). References Gamble, J. E. (2012). Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks, Vitamin Enhanced Beverages. Web. Katz, J. S. (2010). Competing for global dominance: Survival in a changing world. Silicon Valley, CA: Superstar Press. Keller, K. L. (1998). Strategic brand management: Building, measuring and managing brand equity. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall. Kim, W.C. Mauborgne, R. (2005). Blue ocean strategy: How to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press. Kotler, P. Pförtsch, W. A. (2006). B2B brand management: With 7 tables. Berlin: Springer. Porter, M.E. (1998). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance: with a New Introduction. New York: Simon and Schuker Inc. Shankar, V. Carpenter, G.S. (2012). Handbook of marketing strategy. Cheltenham [etc.: Elgar. Thompson, A. A., Gamble, J. Strickland, A. J. (2006). Strategy: Core concepts, analytical tools, read ings. Boston, Mass: McGraw-Hill. Trigg, A., Himmelweit, S. Simonetti, R. (2002). Microeconomics: Neoclassical and institutionalist perspectives on economic behavior. London: Thomson. Yoffie, D. B., Kwak, M. (2001). Judo strategy: Turning your competitors strength to your advantage. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pop culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Pop culture - Essay Example This information was important in support of the central claim because of the elements of popular culture provided, its role in the society and its definition. These were important in making the reader understand that popular culture does not destroy society values and morals. Cons: The article has no evidence of support from other sources of literature. It means that it is a one author’s idea. It could be a credible source of information, but any writing with no evidence of support from other sources reduces reliability. The author may be a prominent person as indicated in the site (A member of the American Culture Association and Popular Culture Association), but lack of citations in his work could be a sign of lack of research. It is not, however, inevitable that if his work is not cited, then he did not conduct any research. This is an article about social inclusion. It discusses social inclusion as an approach to human development and social well-being. Social inclusion in this article recognizes the importance of diversity and difference in understanding community and national level identity. Social inclusion in the article also calls for recognition of shared aspirations among people and commonality of lived experiences. It shows how social inclusion is more than bringing outsiders in and includes closing social, physical, and economic distances that separate people. It does not only remove barriers between them. There is also information about the five cornerstones of inclusion and how inclusion is built in a community. This paper was used because it has relevant information about social inclusion. In the essay, social inclusion is one of the outcomes of popular culture. Understanding social inclusion, how it is built, and its cornerstones were very important in understanding how popular culture leads to social inclusion. This information was very important in supporting the positive role of popular culture in the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

E Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

E Business - Essay Example This report will focus some major e-business concern that the Sage administration can use to assess the ROI on e-business implementation. The report will also focus various aspects of the business that will have a positive impact on adapting the suggested e-business model. Putting it simple Dave (2009, p. 4) states, â€Å"E-business has introduced new opportunities for small and large organizations to compete in the global market place.† The trend of using information in getting the competitive advantage is getting more and more acceptability by intelligent business managers. In a fast pace business environment today the intelligent use of information can provide an edge in decision making process. Business profitability heavily relies on the decisions that the management has to takes in nick of time. A good decision can bring more business to the company and a bad decision can play havoc with the business. The sell-side of boutique business has special concern for ensuring an d maximizing its item display management. Moreover, the emerging trends in fashion industry can have a very positive impact on decision making process. The increasing number of young online users is of special interest for boutique business as it can promote its business objectives rather easily by engaging this lot. Dave (2009, p. 4) has also pointed out this when he states, â€Å"In 2006, the global number of internet users passed 1 billion for the first time and in many countries over half the adult population is online.† The e-business model is a complete solution. It includes several internal and external system modules to cover the business operations. The internal system modules such as Human Resource Management (HRM), Finance, Stock Control or Inventory Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) etc and the external system modules such as Customer Care Management, Display Services, Orders Management, Trends Management System etc. form part of this e-business model. These internal and external systems are part of Knowledge Management (KM) system which provides decision support to the managers. Wei et. al.(2011, p. 235) has pointed out the use of this KM model, â€Å"By support of basic system modules, perfect KM could finish the process to collect, arrange, spread and apply the knowledge.† The e-business model for boutique is supposed to provide decision support through focused and targeted information for sell and buy side operations of the business. Some basic features and recommendations of such KM system are outlined in the following lines; (a) The system development phases should be properly outlined and a strict timeline should be followed for gradual migration on e-business information systems. (b) Priority should be assigned to the modules which have a direct impact on business growth. (c) E-sell (the selling side of the e-business) must offer the convenience that can move the customer to e-bu siness and customer should find it easy, effective and rapid to purchase goods online then coming all the way to boutique outlets. (d) E-sell order placement should be very convenient and proper feedback mechanism should be in place to keep close contact with the customer. (e) The objective of facilitating customer should remain the top priority of e-sell system and it functional aspect should not cause delay. (f) The customer time engagement should be minimized. (g) The minimal input required forms

Monday, November 18, 2019

Biotechnology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Biotechnology - Essay Example Much debate has already taken place over this very debatable topic. The label of these foods is another very debatable topic; human beings need to be educated about these foods, it is also important to tell them about the pros and cons of consuming it. Companies would gleefully produce tons of genetically modified food but who would take the responsibility of distributing it and educating the consumers about it? These questions need to be answered sooner rather than later. â€Å"What is the level of detectability of GM food cross-contamination? Scientists agree that current technology is unable to detect minute quantities of contamination, so ensuring 0% contamination using existing methodologies is not guaranteed.† (Genetically Modified Food) Genetically modified food is the result of fine genetic engineering, human beings have come a long way and some of the recent developments that have been made are truly startling. Every coin is two sided and this particular case is no different, research goes to show that genetically modified foods have a better resistance against pests when compared to natural food. This means the losses incurred to farmers and other people who are involved in the same can easily be averted. Research also goes to show that genetically modified food is also resistant to herbicides which natural food can never be. These are some of its advantages but there are disadvantages too which must be considered to make its case even. Last year a laboratory study was published which showed that pollen from B.t. corn caused high mortality rates in monarch butterfly caterpillars. Monarch caterpillars consume milkweed plants, not corn, but the fear is that if pollen from B.t. corn is blown by the wind onto milkweed plants in neighboring fields, the caterpillars could eat the pollen and perish. Although the Nature study was not conducted under natural field

Friday, November 15, 2019

Economic Mobility In A Global America Sociology Essay

Economic Mobility In A Global America Sociology Essay Economic mobility essentially describes what most people in the US would call the American dream. The ability to make it to the top as long as a person puts in the work is a dearly held American ideal. But is it true? American folklore glorifies the Lois and Clarks, the pioneers, those who forge their own way. But, does 21st century America provide the same opportunities to set out and make it if one puts in the work? Research and statistics show that the American dream, rags to riches, still happens for some but not everyone has an equal chance of bettering their economic positions and their lives. Economic mobility can be described in several different ways. One can talk about a persons economic mobility in terms of absolute dollars how much they were able to surpass or fall behind the income of the generation before them or in relative terms. Often, economists divide the population into quintiles based on income ranges. Economic mobility then is used to describe the likelihood of a child born in one quintile to move up or down into another quintile in their life. The Brookings institute explained economic mobility as, The ability of people to move up or down the economic ladder within a lifetime or from one generation to the next. A persons economic mobility is often seen as an indicator of the fairness of a society. It seems fair that people should not be determined by their economic situation at birth, the standard of living that they will have the rest of their life. Americans in very large numbers believe that a persons economic outlook is determined by the choices they make and the work the put in. When discussing economic mobility it is also important to consider economic inequality in a society. High inequality is less worrisome if people are moving in and out of these classes. However, if you have a society that has increasing inequality and limited mobility, there are reasons for concern. This would mean that the rungs of the ladder of economic success are getting farther and farther apart and people have less of a chance to move up the ladder. Statistics show that the US may be in such a position. In the US inequality has been steadily growing since the 1960s. The prizes for being successful in today s economy are larger than ever before, but the likelihood of the average American attaining these rewards is decreasing. Income is increasingly focused at the top of the economy, and fewer opportunities exist for people to get there. During this time of growing inequality a new force has transformed the US economy: globalization. Globalization is a term used to describe the interconnectedness of the world largely as a result of advancements in technology relating to telecommunications and travel. In the past 100 years, the world has changed from being a place where it takes weeks to travel overseas, to a place where even the farthest spot away on the globe could be reached within 24 hours. The world has changed from a place where communication could take weeks in the form of written letters, to a place where words can be written and words spoken and be heard or read instantaneously the world around. The world suddenly thrust into an unprecedented age of connectedness. Never before had the world and everything in it people, business, nations been so interconnected. As we progress in an age of mobile internet access, the ability to travel anywhere in the world within 24 hours, and ever-increasing economic ties between nations, the effects of globalization are everywhere. Thomas Friedman described this new era saying the world is flat. As a result of advancements in technology, everyone is on a level playing field. A business in Anderson must compete with a business in China and a student in Carmel must compete with a student in India. This new global economy is and will shape the economic mobility of people in the US. US mobility Research has shown that nearly two-thirds of Americans are economically mobile in absolute terms, meaning they make more than their parents in absolute dollars. However, half of them remain on the same rung of the income ladder. Unfortunately, this is even more often true for children at the bottom of the ladder. For children born at the bottom, 80 percent will go on to make more than their parents in real dollars, but 42 percent stay at the bottom of the income ladder. For children born at the top, 39 percent remain there. If economic mobility had nothing to do with where a person is born in society, this number would be 20%. This is twice as high as would be expected by chance, so family income does have a significant effect on a childs mobility in the US. Gender The rates of mobility are not equal across genders and races in the US Men tend to experience much higher rates of upward economic mobility than women do. For children who start out in the bottom quintile, 41 percent of women will stay there, while only 27 percent of men will. The mobility outlook for black people is also less American Dream like. Blacks in the United States experience dramatically less upward economic mobility than whites. 44 percent of blacks will remain in the bottom income quintile in adulthood compared with only 25 percent of whites who will remain stuck at the bottom. The majority of blacks in the bottom half of the income distribution will still exceed their parents place in the distribution, but their movement is much less than is typical of their white peers. Research by Mazumbder found that rates of upward economic mobility are highest for white men, followed by white women, black men and, finally, black women. Other research found that not only are black children less mobile than white children, but that the majority of black children born to middle-income parents in the late 1960s have been downwardly mobile, meaning that they have less family income than their parents did. At that same time, only 16 percent of white children fell down the economic ladder. Some might attribute the lesser economic mobility of blacks to differences in family structure. Black children are more likely to be raised in single parent homes than their white peers. However, when controlling for single and two-parent families, the gap in mobility between the races still remains. There is also a significant difference in the extent to which black and white parents pass their economic advantages onto their children. Isaacs found that white children are more likely to surpass their parents income than black children at a similar point in the income distribution, but they are also more likely to move up the ladder, while black children are more susceptible to falling down. In the 1960s almost half of black children whose parents were middle class ended up falling to the bottom of the income distribution. Only 16 percent of white children in the same situation fell to the bottom. Black children from poorer families also are more likely to stay at the bottom. 54 percent of black children born in the bottom income quintile stayed there, but only 31 percent of white children remained stuck. Factors influencing mobility Even though gender and race are strong predictors of a childs economic mobility, there are other factors that greatly impact a childs chances at moving up. Studies have found that both black and white children who score higher on academic tests are more likely to move up and out of the bottom quintile. Both black and white children at the bottom who achieve average academic test scores are two times as likely to move up and out of the bottom quintile than children who score in the bottom percentiles on academic tests. Many other studies have placed education at the top of the list in terms of what determines a persons mobility. Haskins found that attaining a college degree quadruples the likelihood that a child born to parents at the bottom of the income ladder will make it to the top. Because of this, many people point to education as the most effective tool our nation has for improving the upward mobility of those at the bottom of the economic ladder. The problem is that those who would most benefit from receiving a college degree, are the ones least likely to receive it. Only one-third of children from families at the bottom quintile of the income ladder enroll in college, and of those students, only a small portion will go on to graduate.pg2 Pg 12 Children from this background have only a 34 percent chance of enrolling in college, compared to an 80 percent chance of enrolling for children from the top quintile. Children who start out at the bottom are only 20 percent as likely to earn a colleg e degree as children from the top quintile.14 There are various reasons why children from poor families are less likely to enroll in and graduate from college. Financial reasons, obviously, are a major obstacle. Even though there are Pell grants and various opportunities for financial aid, a person who has not come from a family whose parents went to college, may not have the information they need to access these resources. Haskins argues that improving the equality of educational opportunity-a traditional American value-is one key to promoting economic mobility for disadvantaged students. The impact on education on a persons earning potential clearly demonstrate the importance of education for moving up the economic ladder. Over the last four decades, adults who have degrees from either two or four year colleges have much higher family incomes than other adults who only completed high school, or who dropped out. During this time, the income of those with degrees has been growing steadily, while the income for those without a college degree has become stagnant or declined. The impact of having a college degree on the mobility of a person at the bottom is huge. Adult children from families in the bottom fifth of the income distributionare four times as likely to reach the top fifth if they achieve a four-year college degree, increasing their likelihood of doing so from 5 to 19 percent. Pg. 3 Nearly half the adult children with parents in the bottom quintile stay in the bottom unless they get a college degree. 10 Every poor and low-income child who achieves a four-year college degree can dramatically increase her chances of moving into the middle class. This is also likely true of those who get a two-year degree, since the rates of return per year of education are roughly the same for two-year and four-year colleges Importance of finding the right fità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ finishing. 12 Regardless of a persons family background, getting a college boosts that persons prospects of being upwardly mobile. However, this does not erase the impact of the family situation a person is born into. Children from low-income families with a college education are in fact no more likely to reach the top of the income ladder than children from high income families without a college education. Education is critical to success in todays economy and an important explanation of why some groups get ahead while others are left behind, but it cannot completely erase the effects of family background on ones ultimate success. Children born to parents in the top quintile have the highest likelihood of attaining the top, and children born to parents in the bottom quintile have the highest likelihood of being in the bottom themselves. This phenomenon is referred to as stickiness at the ends of the income distribution. As shown in Figure 4, it is fairly hard for children born in the bottom fifth to escape from the bottom: 42 percent remain there and another 42 percent end up in either the lower-middle or middle fifth. Only 17 percent of those born to parents in the bottom quintile climb to one of the top two income groups. At the other end of the distribution, 39 percent of children born to parents in the top fifth attain the top themselves with an additional 23 percent landing in the fourth highest quintile. Surprisingly, American children from low-income families appear to have less relative mobility than their counterparts in five northern European countries, according to a recent international study of earnings of fathers and sons. Whereas 42 percent of American sons whose fathers had earnings in the bottom quintile had low earningsthemselves, the comparable percentages ranged from 25 to 30 percent in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and the United Kingdom (see Chapter III, International Comparisons of Economic Mobility). One measure of stickiness is the measure intergenerational income elasticity. This figure would be 0.0 in a hypothetical society where a parents income has no effect on a childs economic prospects and 1.0 where there is a one-to-one correspondence between parental income and adult child income. Recent estimates of the intergenerational income elasticity in the United States range from about 0.4 to 0.6, meaning that about half of the difference in income between families in one generation persists into the next generation. Discussion of globalization Globalization is a very broad term, so it can be hard to discuss how it affects economic mobility in the US, because has changed our world so much in a short time. However, a globalized economy in the US has led to significant changes in the demands of our economy that will shape the USs economic mobility for years to come. The Hoosier economy has been the most heavily manufacturing based economy in the United States. The five US states that depend most on manufacturing are all in the Midwest.( Loc. 353) This statewide and even regional dependence on manufacturing has impacted the states culture and commitment to education. Richard Longworth in his book Caught in the Middle describes the way that manufacturing enriched the region, but is now hampering their ability to adapt to a global world. He states that Indiana in particular is in denial about globalization, and instead of pursuing ways to reshape the economy, is pursuing losing efforts to keep businesses from moving out of the country. Indiana held the crown as the state with the largest percent of jobs in the manufacturing sector. This led to significant growth and wealth in the past century, but it is apparent it will not have the same effects now that we are living in a globalized world. More and more manufacturing jobs are being shipped overseas, where labor can be had for a fraction of the cost. In the 20 years manufacturing output in the Midwest soared by 50 percent or more. But the number of jobs in manufacturing fell by about 20 percent. Over that same time, the unemployment rate in the state has grown from _ percent to over _ percent. Globalization is leading to a loss of jobs in Indiana, and the state has not kept up in creating jobs that are sustainable and profitable in a global economy. At least part of this is due to a mismatch in the skills employers have, and the skills possessed by Hoosiers. Indiana ranks _ in the number of adults with a bachelors degree or more. As technology and global labor comp etition continue to shape the way manufacturing is done, there will be less and less demand for unskilled, high wage labor that Indiana has a supply of and has lived off of in decades past. It is apparent that for Hoosiers to get good jobs they must have the education and skills that make them competitive. Unfortunately, for many Midwest residents, there is not a strong commitment to education. Longworth linked this to the regions past where high school drop outs could get a job in a factory and live well. This is obviously not the case now in a globalized Indiana, but many families continue to place little value on education. (loc 930) In order to move up the ladder or be more well off than someone is raised, the single biggest factor is whether or not that person gets a good education. Unemployment rates by education level in the US make clear the impact that education can have (see figure b). As expected, states that depend heavily on manufacturing (which is demanding less labor, and often does not require college education) are suffering high unemployment rates during the current recession/recovery. Unfortunately, even though education is so key to getting employed and being upwardly mobile, the current state of education has been found to reinforce family economic status more than to encourage upward movement. Figure b. Globalization may be challenging Indiana to redefine its economy in order for Hoosier to be upwardly mobile, but it also allows us an opportunity to learn from other countries. Globalization has not only changed our economies, but has also changed our knowledge base. We now have the ability to look at other countries and see how they have dealt with or are dealing with similar situations that the IS is facing. Economic mobility is essentially the American Dream, so it would be reasonable to assume that the US is a world leader in that respect. But reasonable assumptions arent always true, as in this case. Even though economic mobility characterizes the American dream, other countries do better at making it a reality for their residents. Studies routinely show that the US lags behind other nations in the economic mobility of its population. Again, there are differences in relative and absolute mobility. The US has led the pack in terms of absolute mobility due to rapid economic growth this century. As the saying goes, a rising tide lifts all boats. As mentioned before, however, this tide is increasingly unevenly distributed, leading to tidal waves for some and droughts for others. In terms of relative mobility the US lags behind many European nations, and our neighbor to the North Canada. Canada in particular is an interesting comparison because of how much it and the US share in common. According to research by Corak, Curtis, and Phipps; both the US and Canada value the ideal of equality of opportunity and define it in terms of individual freedoms but also individual responsibilities. One difference, however, was that Americans were more likely to view the government an obstacle to equality of opportunity rather than helpful in promoting it. Even though Americans were more reluctant to government intervention, residents of both countries recognized the need for public policy to contribute to reaching this ideal. Somewhat counter-intuitively, this study found that Americans believe more than Canadians that a host of interventions would be effective in improving the prospects for economic mobility. The authors of this study interpreted that as a possible sign t hat this need is going unmet in the US. The study found that (4)On average Canada is up to three times more mobile than the United States. Stated another way, US citizens pass along three times as much inequality than do Canadians. They also found that not only does less mobility occur in the US, but that it is more heavily concentrated at the top and bottom of the economic ladder. Some of the reasons the authors point to as to why this may be the case are differences in health care, parental work leave laws, and tax transfer programs for poor families in Canada. The authors concluded that Mental and physical health, school readiness, and some education outcomes are all more developed in Canada, leading to better outcomes for children and increased economic mobility. Despite Americans lesser likelihood of reaching the top compared to their counterparts in Canada and some European nations, Americans are far more optimistic about their ability to control their own economic destiny. They are far more likely to believe that people get rewarded for intelligence, skill, and effort and far less likely to believe that its the governments responsibility to reduce differences in income. 4 In a comparison of mobility in the United States with mobility in several developed European nations, Miles Corak concluded that America is a low-mobility country in which about half of parental earnings advantages are passed onto sons. Canada, Norway, Finland, and Denmark are considered high-mobility countries, where less than 20 percent of income advantages are passed onto children. This would mean that in the US about half of parental earnings advantages are passed onto sons. If this trend holds steady, it would take an average of six generations for family economic advantage to disappear in the United States. While Americans seem to strongly believe that everyone has a shot to make it to the top, it is clear that peoples ability to do so is greatly shaped by the family they are born into. In the high mobility countries the effects of being born into a wealthy family would wear off in half the time three generations instead of six. Contrary to American beliefs about equality of o pportunity, a childs economic position is heavily influenced by that of his or her parents. Forty-two percent of children born to parents in the bottom fifth of the income distribution remain in the bottom, while 39 percent born to parents in the top fifth remain at the top. Children of middle-income parents have a near-equal likelihood of ending up in any other quintile, presenting equal promise and peril for those born to middle-class parents. Only 6 percent of children born to parents with family income at the very bottom move to the very top. In another study,Markus Jà ¤ntii looked at how the relationship between the earnings of parents and children varies for individuals who are on different rungs of the economic ladder. They find that starting at the bottom of the earnings ladder is more of a handicap in the United States than in other countries. Again, finding greater amounts of stickiness at the bottom of the economic ladder in America. If it is obvious that education has great potential to boost the economic mobility of the less fortunate, it is important to ask whether the nations schools do enough to promote economic mobility. An examination of preschool, K-12, and undergraduate and graduate education in the United States reveals that the average effect of education at all levels is to reinforce rather than compensate for the differences associated with family background and the many home-based advantages and disadvantages that children and adolescents bring with them into the classroom. This may be due to achievement gaps that US continues to struggle with in education. The poor and minorities on average perform less well in school and are less likely to graduate. There is a cycle at play in the US the poor and minorities are on average born to lower income families and as a result receive a poor education. These same students then are not able to move up the economic ladder, and pass the disadvantage onto thei r children who will be poor, likely receive a poor education, struggle with finding employment and repeat the cycle. Compared to other nations, the US is falling behind academically. The most recent results from the PISA test released in December of 2010 show that the US continues to trail other countries in education. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, said the findings show that the United States needs to urgently accelerate student learning to remain competitive in the knowledge economy of the 21st century. The education American students are receiving would have been fine a few decades ago when low-skill manufacturing jobs were abundant. Today, however, these jobs continue to disappear or move overseas. Living in a global economy means that our students now must compete with students all over the world for employment. And in a knowledge economy where education is the essential component to getting a job, the US is failing its students. The PISA results showed that US students are not among top performing OECD nations in any subject that was tested. However, US students did express the most self-confidence in their academic skills than did students in nearly all other OECD nations. Trends in US education do not bode well for the economic mobility of children growing up in a globalized world. Perhaps even more worrisome are the achievement gaps for Latinos and Blacks in the US education system. In 2008, McKinsey Company released a study on the economic costs of achievement gaps in US education, and found them to be the equivalent of a permanent national recession. To fix education, and to improve economic mobility of those who are most likely to be at the bottom, the US must make some changes. The OECD found that socioeconomic disadvantage leads more directly to poor educational performance in the United States than is the case in many other countries. The US prides itself on being the land of opportunity, but with poor educational outcomes in a globalized world, there will be very little opportunity for this and future generations. Seeing that other countries are more successful in education, we have the opportunity to learn from what they are doing that works. This opportunity seems to be ignored though. The US, Israel, and Turkey are the only OECD nations that do not devote as much or more funding for schools facing the biggest socioeconomic challenges as they do to schools with more privileged students. Directing resources towards youth who need it the most seems like a no-brainer, but due to the way schools are funded in the US, it doesnt happen. Much of the debate around education-reform in the US and Indiana has revolved around teacher accountability. Proponents say that rewarding teachers based on student performance is the best way to improve educational outcomes. However, this is not what the top performing education countries do. Outside of the US, most high-performing educational countries prioritize high teacher salaries over small class sizes, and they professionalize the teaching profession. Compa re this to the current education debate in Indiana where the Governor is essentially demonizing teachers as free-loaders. The US and Indiana dont seem to be taking advantage of the global insight available for shaping education, and this will likely have consequences for the education and mobility of the nations youth. Combatting economic immobility in the US in a globalized world Research seems to pretty clearly state that education is the key for improving economic mobility in the US. However, studies also find that education currently is not helping students become mobile adults, but rather reinforcing their family background. Poor kids are more likely to go to poor schools which are more likely to produce poor, immobile adults. Reforming education and closing achievement gaps in education will likely be the action that can have the greatest effects on Hoosier economic mobility. Conclusion Economic mobility is essentially the American Dream. The idea that someone can be born without a dime to their name, but through hard work can reach the top, being limited by nothing. Globalization is making this more of a dream and less of a reality in Indiana each day. Much has been said about the cycle of poverty, and how the lifestyle, ethics, and decay of poverty are passed on from one generation to the next. With globalization, Americans face an ever more urgent task of helping people escape this cycle. Globalization has no need for the uneducated and unskilled labor that has been the basis of American manufacturing. For every unskilled American worker there are hundreds in the developing world willing to do the same job at a fraction of the pay. The poor in the US stand ready to conceivably be some of globalizations biggest losers. The US, the most wealthy country in the world that prides itself on the rags to riches story of people rising up to reach the top, has failed to take the steps needed to close achievement gaps and give the poor the opportunities to better themselves that we as a nation misguidedly pride ourselves on so doing. Globalization will likely decrease economic mobility in the US unless the US begins to better educate the nations youth. The US would be wise to take advantage of something else globalization provides insight into other cultures and the opportunity to learn from other nations in shaping its policies on education and efforts to improve mobility.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

In â€Å"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,† Huck and Jim both endure many hardships, and they struggle daily in search of their freedom. Huck is a young free spirited boy that loves adventure and lacks the necessity of civilization; his partner in crime is Jim, a runaway slave. As Huck and Jim float down the Mississippi River they are faced with an overwhelming amount of difficult situations and circumstances. Some of the struggles that Huck and Jim experience are slavery, society, civilization, nature, and villainess behavior. Huck also has many moments where he is at unease with his conscience, and often wonders if the decisions that he is making are made with the right intentions. While Huck and Jim are on the search for their freedom, the two grow stronger as individuals and as friends. Although, Huck and Jim face conflict in the novel, the novel itself has many conflicts with society too. Many may say it is racist, while others argue that because of Huck’s chara cter the novel is â€Å"coarse.† Throughout my paper, I will discuss and analyze Huck and Jim’s struggles, and the struggles in which the novel may face on its own. Throughout, the novel you begin to realize that every time Huck or Jim go ashore, they end up in trouble. Despite their troubled times ashore, they also encounter difficulties on the river as well. For example, the flooded river makes navigating the river challenging, The Walter Scott almost cost Huck and Jim their lives, the fog causes them to miss to Ohio River, and the two villainous cons forced Huck to be involved in their malicious schemes. Huck and Jim begin realizing they are not completely free from the evil influences of the towns along the river’s banks. Regardless of the rivers challenges, it still of... ...reedom. They battled against Mother Nature, evil villains, and society, but in the end they conquered them all. Regardless of society’s ways like, religion and slavery Huck and Jim made their own perceptions on life. Huck and Jim fought to ensure their freedom, and it made them stronger as individuals and closer as friends. Also, I would like to point out that conflict between right and wrong exists within all of humanity; it is something that we cannot escape no matter how hard we try. What matters is that we remain true to who we are and our values. Many of the decision that Huck made were made from his heart; he didn’t let society change the person that he wanted to become. Huck is a strong character and so is this novel. I enjoyed it from the beginning and would say that anyone who criticizes this novel is overlooking what this novel is truly about, â€Å"by and by.†

Monday, November 11, 2019

Hw Answer Operation Management Heizer Ch 4

4. 9 [pic] (c)? MAD (two-month moving average) = . 075 MAD (three-month moving average) = . 088 |Table for Problem 4. (a, b, c) | | | | |Forecast | ||Error| | | | |Two-Month |Three-Month |Two-Month |Three-Month | | |Price per |Moving |Moving |Moving |Moving | |Month |Chip |Average |Average |Average |Average | |January |$1. 0 | | | | | |February |? 1. 67 | | | | | |March |? 1. 70 |1. 735 | |. 035 | | |April |? 1. 85 |1. 685 |1. 723 |. 165 |. 127 | |May |? 1. 90 |1. 775 |1. 740 |. 125 |. 160 | |June |? 1. 87 |1. 75 |1. 817 |. 005 |. 053 | |July |? 1. 80 |1. 885 |1. 873 |. 085 |. 073 | |August |? 1. 83 |1. 835 |1. 857 |. 005 |. 027 | |September |? 1. 70 |1. 815 |1. 833 |. 115 |. 133 | |October |? 1. 65 |1. 765 |1. 777 |. 115 |. 127 | |November |? 1. 70 |1. 675 |1. 27 |. 025 |. 027 | |December |? 1. 75 |1. 675 |1. 683 |. 075 |. 067 | | | | |Totals |. 750| |. 793| | | | | | | | | | | |4. 9 |(d)? Table for Problem 4. 9(d): | | | | |( = . 1 | | |( = . 3 | | |( = . | |Month |Price per Chip |Forecast ||Error| |Forecast ||Error| |Forecast ||Error| | |January |$1. 80 |$1. 80 |$. 00 |$1. 80 |$. 00 |$1. 80 |$. 00 | |February |1. 67 |1. 80 |. 13 |? 1. 80 | . 13 |? 1. 80 |. 13 | |March |1. 70 |1. 79 |. 09 |? 1. 76 | . 06 |? 1. 74 |. 04 | |April |1. 85 |1. 78 |. 07 |? 1. 74 | . 11 |? 1. 72 |. 13 | |May |1. 0 |1. 79 |. 11 |? 1. 77 | . 13 |? 1. 78 |. 12 | |June |1. 87 |1. 80 |. 07 |? 1. 81 | . 06 |? 1. 84 |. 03 | |July |1. 80 |1. 80 |. 00 |? 1. 83 | . 03 |? 1. 86 |. 06 | |August |1. 83 |1. 80 |. 03 |? 1. 82 | . 01 |? 1. 83 |. 00 | |September |1. 70 |1. 81 |. 11 |? 1. 82 | . 12 |? 1. 83 |. 13 | |October |1. 65 |1. 80 |. 5 |? 1. 79 | . 14 |? 1. 76 |. 11 | |November |1. 70 |1. 78 |. 08 |? 1. 75 | . 05 |? 1. 71 |. 01 | |December |1. 75 |1. 77 |. 02 |? 1. 73 | . 02 |? 1. 70 |. 05 | | | | | 4. 41? (a)? It appears from the following graph that the points do scatter around a straight line. [pic] (b)? Developing the regression relationship, we have: (Summer |Tourists |Ridership | | | | |months) |(Millions) |(1,000,000s) | | | | |Year |(X) |(Y) |X2 |Y2 |XY | |? 1 |? 7 |1. 5 |? 49 |? 2. 25 |10. 5 | |? 2 |? 2 |1. 0 | 4 |? 1. 00 |? 2. 0 | |? 3 |? 6 |1. 3 |? 36 |? 1. 69 |? 7. 8 | |? 4 |? 4 |1. 5 |? 16 |? 2. 25 |? 6. 0 | |? 5 |14 |2. 5 |196 |? 6. 25 |35. 0 | |? |15 |2. 7 |225 |? 7. 29 |40. 5 | |? 7 |16 |2. 4 |256 |? 5. 76 |38. 4 | |? 8 |12 |2. 0 |144 |? 4. 00 |24. 0 | |? 9 |14 |2. 7 |196 |? 7. 29 |37. 8 | |10 |20 |4. 4 |400 |19. 36 |88. 0 | |11 |15 |3. 4 |225 |11. 56 |51. 0 | |12 |? 7 |1. 7 |? 49 |? 2. 89 |11. 9 | and (X = 132, (Y = 27. 1, (XY = 352. 9, (X2 = 1796, (Y2 = 71. 59, [pic] = 11, [pic]= 2. 6. Then: [pic] andY = 0. 511 + 0. 159X (c)? Given a tourist population of 10,000,000, the model predicts a ridership of: Y = 0. 511 + 0. 159 ( 10 = 2. 101, or 2,101,000 persons. (d)? If there are no tourists at all, the model predicts a ridership of 0. 511, or 511,000 persons. One would not place much confidence in this forecast, however, because the number of tourists (ze ro) is outside the range of data used to develop the model. (e)? The standard error of the estimate is given by: (f)? The correlation coefficient and the coefficient of determination are given by: [pic] ———————– [pic][pic] Hw Answer Operation Management Heizer Ch 4 4. 9 [pic] (c)? MAD (two-month moving average) = . 075 MAD (three-month moving average) = . 088 |Table for Problem 4. (a, b, c) | | | | |Forecast | ||Error| | | | |Two-Month |Three-Month |Two-Month |Three-Month | | |Price per |Moving |Moving |Moving |Moving | |Month |Chip |Average |Average |Average |Average | |January |$1. 0 | | | | | |February |? 1. 67 | | | | | |March |? 1. 70 |1. 735 | |. 035 | | |April |? 1. 85 |1. 685 |1. 723 |. 165 |. 127 | |May |? 1. 90 |1. 775 |1. 740 |. 125 |. 160 | |June |? 1. 87 |1. 75 |1. 817 |. 005 |. 053 | |July |? 1. 80 |1. 885 |1. 873 |. 085 |. 073 | |August |? 1. 83 |1. 835 |1. 857 |. 005 |. 027 | |September |? 1. 70 |1. 815 |1. 833 |. 115 |. 133 | |October |? 1. 65 |1. 765 |1. 777 |. 115 |. 127 | |November |? 1. 70 |1. 675 |1. 27 |. 025 |. 027 | |December |? 1. 75 |1. 675 |1. 683 |. 075 |. 067 | | | | |Totals |. 750| |. 793| | | | | | | | | | | |4. 9 |(d)? Table for Problem 4. 9(d): | | | | |( = . 1 | | |( = . 3 | | |( = . | |Month |Price per Chip |Forecast ||Error| |Forecast ||Error| |Forecast ||Error| | |January |$1. 80 |$1. 80 |$. 00 |$1. 80 |$. 00 |$1. 80 |$. 00 | |February |1. 67 |1. 80 |. 13 |? 1. 80 | . 13 |? 1. 80 |. 13 | |March |1. 70 |1. 79 |. 09 |? 1. 76 | . 06 |? 1. 74 |. 04 | |April |1. 85 |1. 78 |. 07 |? 1. 74 | . 11 |? 1. 72 |. 13 | |May |1. 0 |1. 79 |. 11 |? 1. 77 | . 13 |? 1. 78 |. 12 | |June |1. 87 |1. 80 |. 07 |? 1. 81 | . 06 |? 1. 84 |. 03 | |July |1. 80 |1. 80 |. 00 |? 1. 83 | . 03 |? 1. 86 |. 06 | |August |1. 83 |1. 80 |. 03 |? 1. 82 | . 01 |? 1. 83 |. 00 | |September |1. 70 |1. 81 |. 11 |? 1. 82 | . 12 |? 1. 83 |. 13 | |October |1. 65 |1. 80 |. 5 |? 1. 79 | . 14 |? 1. 76 |. 11 | |November |1. 70 |1. 78 |. 08 |? 1. 75 | . 05 |? 1. 71 |. 01 | |December |1. 75 |1. 77 |. 02 |? 1. 73 | . 02 |? 1. 70 |. 05 | | | | | 4. 41? (a)? It appears from the following graph that the points do scatter around a straight line. [pic] (b)? Developing the regression relationship, we have: (Summer |Tourists |Ridership | | | | |months) |(Millions) |(1,000,000s) | | | | |Year |(X) |(Y) |X2 |Y2 |XY | |? 1 |? 7 |1. 5 |? 49 |? 2. 25 |10. 5 | |? 2 |? 2 |1. 0 | 4 |? 1. 00 |? 2. 0 | |? 3 |? 6 |1. 3 |? 36 |? 1. 69 |? 7. 8 | |? 4 |? 4 |1. 5 |? 16 |? 2. 25 |? 6. 0 | |? 5 |14 |2. 5 |196 |? 6. 25 |35. 0 | |? |15 |2. 7 |225 |? 7. 29 |40. 5 | |? 7 |16 |2. 4 |256 |? 5. 76 |38. 4 | |? 8 |12 |2. 0 |144 |? 4. 00 |24. 0 | |? 9 |14 |2. 7 |196 |? 7. 29 |37. 8 | |10 |20 |4. 4 |400 |19. 36 |88. 0 | |11 |15 |3. 4 |225 |11. 56 |51. 0 | |12 |? 7 |1. 7 |? 49 |? 2. 89 |11. 9 | and (X = 132, (Y = 27. 1, (XY = 352. 9, (X2 = 1796, (Y2 = 71. 59, [pic] = 11, [pic]= 2. 6. Then: [pic] andY = 0. 511 + 0. 159X (c)? Given a tourist population of 10,000,000, the model predicts a ridership of: Y = 0. 511 + 0. 159 ( 10 = 2. 101, or 2,101,000 persons. (d)? If there are no tourists at all, the model predicts a ridership of 0. 511, or 511,000 persons. One would not place much confidence in this forecast, however, because the number of tourists (ze ro) is outside the range of data used to develop the model. (e)? The standard error of the estimate is given by: (f)? The correlation coefficient and the coefficient of determination are given by: [pic] ———————– [pic][pic]

Friday, November 8, 2019

Work Flexibility Research Essay Example

Work Flexibility Research Essay Example Work Flexibility Research Essay Work Flexibility Research Essay To provide information on how employee fulfill the obligations of their positions when work arrangements wherein employees are given greater scheduling freedom. Q2: Find three sources of information relation to this purpose statement and provide the following information. Source 1 Title: Success with flexible work practise Author: Carol Davies Date of publication: Nov 1997 Publisher: dpc. nsw. gov. au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/25595/Success_with_Flexible_Work_Practices. df Type of information: Secondary information Brief summary of information: Provides suggestions and options for employer on developing and managing equitable flexible work practices. Is this information useful? Yes, it is relevant. Source 2 Title: Workplace flexibility Author: N/A Date of publication: N/A Publisher: workplaceflexibility. com. au/ Type of information: Primary information Brief summary of information: Aims to promote awareness of the importance of flexible work practices in increasing employee satisfaction and retention rates.Is this information useful? Yes, it is accurate and relevant Source 3 Title: The journal of Psychology Author: Christine Cadena Date of publication: 31st March 2010 Publisher: Yahoo! Contributor network Type of information: Secondary information Brief summary of information: Offer flexible work schedule maybe the answer for your company high turnover rate of emp loyee. Is this information useful? Yes it is relevant and reliable. Q3: list four keywords and two Boolean searches you might use to find relevant information online. Keywords Flexible work * employee turnover * work arrangement * work and life balance Boolean searches * Flexible work practices, reduce employee turnover * Working and life balance, work arrangement Q4: What are appropriate data collection methods for this project? Online research, surveys or questionnaire within the company and interview with individual staff Q5: Design a Survey/Questionnaire form to collect information about flexible work practices and employee turnover. See last page Q6 Identify three facts and three opinions from your research Facts: In Australia 70% of employed mothers used flexible work arrangement to help care for children * 65% of Australian company offers flexible work hours * Nearly 80% of workers say they would like to have more flexible work options and would use them if there were no nega tive consequences at work Opinions: * reason for introducing a flexible work environment is employee retention * can have a positive impact on the productivity of employees * Employees should be educated about policies and feel comfortable using them. Q7: Create a bar graph or pie chart of the data you have collected.For example, you could create a bar graph that shows the employee turnover rate in organizations that do offer flexible work arrangement compared to organizations that do not. Alternately, you could create a pie chart that shows which types of flexible work arrangement workers want the most. Company offers flexible work arrangement Company doesn’t offer flexible work arrangement Type of flexible work arrangement Q8: Write a report that outlines the information you have gathered and any recommendations you would make as a result.Businesses should evaluate their flex work arrangement on a regular basis. As the bar graph shows above, company that doesn’t offe r flexible work arrangement has higher employee turnover rate than the one does offer the work arrangement. A flexible work program is only worth keeping if it benefits companies financial, strategic, and production goals. A key to making sure that those needs are met is to maintain control of the program. Employees and work teams can be very helpful in shaping flexible work guidelines. Employees should be educated about policies and feel comfortable using them.This can only happen, if the company actively promotes the program. The pie chart above shows what types of the flexible work arrangement are most popular preferred by staffs. Supporters of flexible work programs hail them as important recognition of the difficulties that many employees have in balancing their family obligations and their work duties, such programs can make a company more attractive to prospective employees. Q9: Also, address and discuss any considerations in relation to: Anti-discrimination legislation A. Et hical principles B. Codes of practice C.Privacy laws D. Health and safety Flexible work practices should be treated fairly disregarding employee’s sex or races. It is also unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an employee on the ground of the employee’s family responsibilities by dismissing the employee. Employees should also keep in mind the ethical principles, codes of practice and privacy laws. * Employee should act with honesty, sincerity and integrity in their approach to their work; they should also behave with integrity, honesty and fairness in all business professional and personal relationships. Employee should not knowingly or recklessly supply any information which is confidential, or make any statement which they know is misleading, false or deceptive to a colleague, clients of the company, or the general public. * Employee must observe the terms and conditions of their employment; staff cannot be required to be complicit in any illegal act. If a dvised, instructed or encouraged to engage in unlawful activity, they must decline, and report the matter to the manager. Employee must protect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of their work. No staff member should use or disclose any confidential information to a colleague, clients of the company or any other party without specific authority. Staff members in receipt of confidential information should not use or appear to use such information to gain personal advantage for themselves or for a third party. * Employee must not allow dishonesty, personal prejudice or bias to influence you in the conduct of your employment.You should not accept gifts, benefits or hospitality if their nature and value may be seen as compromising your objectivity and influencing you in your official capacity. While a workers workplace may include their home, OHamp;S laws do not require the employer to act on health or safety hazards or risks unless it is reasonably practicable fo r the employer to do so. Determining whether it is reasonably practicable for an employer to uphold OHamp;S standards in an employees home depends on: * The probability that the hazard or risk will harm the worker; * The degree of harm that might result; What the employer knows or ought reasonably to know about the hazard or risk and the ways of eliminating or minimizing the risk; * The availability and suitability of ways to eliminate or minimize the risk; * The cost associated with available ways of eliminating or minimizing the risk, including whether the cost is grossly disproportionate to the risk. It is important that these steps are reviewed to ensure that they also discharge obligations under the proposed OHamp;S laws.